Holy Communion - 27 January 2008 - MS Black Watch

May the love of God,
the grace of Christ,
and the communion of God's Spirit
be with us all as we meet together.

You will say in that day:

God is my salvation;
I will trust and not be afraid;
for the Sovereign God is my strength and my song.

With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

And you will say in that day,

Sing praises to the Sovereign God
who has done gloriously;
let this be known in all the earth.

HYMN: Jesus, come! for we invite you

Surprising and disturbing God,
rouse us out of our routines,
shake us out of our comfort zones
and remind us that you, God,
are bringing us back to life.

Be alive in us, O God.

We come to you, God,
hungry for new life,
waiting to be filled
with a touch of your presence,
with a new energy for living.

Be alive in us, O God.

Gracious God,
heal us where we are broken,
empower us where we feel weak,
encourage us where we feel defeated,
cherish us where we feel lonely.

Be alive in us, O God.

God will heal and empower us,
encourage and cherish us,
and will transform us,
for we are precious in God's sight.
This is the Good News of the Gospel.

Thanks be to God.

HYMN: See the holy table

Reading: St John 2: 1-11


HYMN: Lord God, as once again

God, in the beginnings of time you had a loving plan.
You picked a nation to call your own,
but obedience was too costly for them.
And yet, when Israel was a child you loved him,
and ever drew your people back to yourself.
We know this same story - it is our own.
Time and time again we wander away,
but you seek us out to bring us back.
Jesus showed us your love, and it cost him his life.
We are lost in wonder when we consider the extent of your great love.

Now we remember that day.
Jesus ate Passover with his friends.
He took bread and gave thanks;
he broke it, and shared it with them, saying,
"Take this and eat it.
I give my body for you.
Remember me when you do this."

Later he took a cup of wine,
gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying,
"Take this and drink it.
This is God's new covenant.
Remember me when you do this."

We remember.

As we share this meal,
may we live in Christ,
and Christ in us.

Send your Spirit, God, on what we do here,
that as we eat and drink together,
we may be transformed by Christ and filled with new life and new hope.

We break this bread.

Though we are many, we are yet one -
one with each other and one in Christ.

Come, gracious God, and fill this moment.

Now come, in celebration and joy. All is prepared.

The Sharing of Bread & Wine

For the bread we have eaten,
for the wine we have tasted,
for the life we have received,
we thank you God.

Grant that what we have done and have been given here,
may so put its mark upon us that it may remain
always in our hearts.

HYMN: Now let us from this table rise

May God,
who renews our spirit, transforms our living
and brings new life where hope is lost,
travel with us along our journey:
and may God's blessing be upon us, now and always.
